College Day for Pacific Islanders in Hawaii

275x100-kauMU-BI has partnered with the Pacific Islander Student Center at University of Hawaii at Hilo to co-sponsor a College Day on Saturday, February 9, 2013 on the UH Hilo campus starting at 9:00 am, ending at 3:30 pm. The conference is aimed at motivating, inspiring, and informing students and parents about college opportunities and resources.  While the focus is on local schools on the Big Island, the all-day conference is open to any high school student of Pacific Island ethnicity (Micronesians, Marshallese, Palauans, Guamanians, Saipanese, Samoans, etc). The day includes a Resource Fair during lunch comprising of College Row (local college recruiters), Campus Resources (university offices / programs for financial aid, admissions, clubs, etc), and Community Services (non-profit organizations, churches, etc). Transportation for local participants from around the Big Island is provided. Please click here for the Bus Schedule. For more information, visit: